Les impactés de la Vdn 3 dans le désarroi, le Gouverneur de Dakar refuse de signer l’arrêté…

Les impactés de la Vdn 3 dans le désarroi, le Gouverneur de Dakar refuse de signer l’arrêté…

The populations of Guediawaye, Tivaouane Peul and Malika are in disarray. The impact of the construction of the Vdn 3 continuous to hope. Their houses destroyed, their lands taken up, their hopes of being dissipated, again, because of the governor of Dakar who refuse to comply with the decree of the Minister of Urban Renewal. 

The resettlement behind which they hoped to keep the meager savings with which they built their land and acquired plots is slow. In March 2016, the Minister of Urban Renewal, Dene Farba Sarr, signed a decree authorizing subdivision to accommodate these impacted populations of the Vdn 3, according to La Tribune. And selon to the victims,  » It is Because of the refusal of the governor of Dakar to comply with this decision , » That things are delayed. Dien Farba Sarr is in the area of ​​the filaos. So to speak, that the head of the regional executive of Dakar, does not approve the proposal of resettlement of the minister.

  • hhhh

    Nous testons de la journée sont

  • Pap Fall

    Le même gouverneur grand prédateur foncier qui s’est approprié la bande de terre entre Malika et Tvaouane peuhl sous prétexte que celle-ci délimitative des 2 Communes n’appartient donc à aucune d’elle.

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